How Does an Educational Therapist Help?

Some learning disabilities are more noticeable and readily detected while others may be more subtle and not as apparent. Academic results and potential can vary greatly depending on the severity and/or combination of a child’s learning disabilities or challenges. Students with evident learning difficulties are more likely (but not always) to be diagnosed through the school system. However, there are also kids whose learning issues are not so pronounced and as a result, may easily slip under the educational system’s “radar”.
In this latter group, children may be meeting grade level expectations but are working much harder than their peers to achieve the same results. There may also be students who are working at mid-range level, but who really should be getting better marks because they have the capacity and potential to perform at a higher level, if not for these undetected learning issues. In either case, children will not be identified because they appear to be “managing”.
Every person learns and processes information in their own unique way. For students experiencing difficulty, there are specific learning challenges that are particular to that individual. The key to facilitating learning for these students is determining what learning processes need to be in place and exactly which specific methodologies work for each individual.
At LearnAbility we are specially trained to help children, teens and adults overcome their obstacles to learning and help them reach their full learning potential. We not only help to determine and define the specific learning differences and challenges, but we also provide the critical intervention necessary to overcome them.
Working one-on-one, we assess and diagnose the specific weaknesses in a student’s learning foundation. We then create an individualized plan using a combination of, research-based, proven-effective learning programs. These include the Lindamood-Bell® programs, the Cellfield Reading Intervention Program, Fast ForWord®, and Interactive Metronome®. This approach not only addresses any deficits, but also concurrently builds on a student’s strengths. The combination of both these aspects is critical to successful, lifelong learning.