Signs and Symptoms
Does your child (or do you) struggle with, or experience, any of the following learning challenges or diagnosed conditions?
- Dislike and avoidance of reading
- Slow or hesitant reader
- Difficulty reading new, longer, multi-syllabic words
- Weak comprehension (doesn’t understand ideas or remember details)
- Poor spelling
- Limited vocabulary in spoken and/or written work
- Difficulty with written work (in a variety of subjects)
- Difficulty expressing thoughts either orally or on paper
- Dislike, avoidance or obvious difficulty with math
As a high school, college or university student, does your child (or you) experience any of these learning difficulties?
- School work takes a great deal of time and effort
- Needs a lot of parental or tutoring support
- Exhibit signs of stress
- Reluctance to read
- Difficulty grasping the main ideas, inferences or humour
- Difficulty getting thoughts down on paper
- Dislike writing
- Poor spelling
- Messy, poorly legible writing
- Low self-esteem, particularly in relation to school work
- Discouragement, withdrawal or acting out
- Learning Disabilities (LD)
- Dyslexia
- Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD)
- Phonological or Phonemic Awareness Deficits
- Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
- Asperger’s Syndrome
- Autism
If your child (or you) experience one or more of these behaviours or conditions, working with an Educational Therapist can be the solution to overcoming learning difficulties and creating academic success.